Your Water Main, Drainage & Trenchless Solution Specialists

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

Project scoping and planning

Horizontal Direction Drilling Services

Watermains & Drains UK’s horizontal directional drilling (HDD) team can take care of your pipework and ducting installation’s where excavating is permitted or trenchless moling isn’t possible.

As part of the pre-planning we will survey and assess what the best method of installation would be for your project whilst also offering full turnkey solutions which include any permissions required, utility mapping and ground penetrating radar scanning so your project can be carried out in the safest manner.

Services Provided (if required / requested)

  • Feasibility studies

  • Radar scanning

  • Utility plans

  • Survey

  • Project planning

  • Horizontal directional drilling

  • Materials

Benefits of Directional Drilling

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Quick and efficient process
  • Cost effective
  • Reduces social impact
  • Reduces the need for road closures
  • Generally unaffected by surface obstacles
  • Reduces the need for deep excavations for utility installations
  • Has a small footprint of works

Installation process

Once our team arrive on site to commence works, prior to any drilling, the route will be established and any trial holes or launch and receive pits will be excavated. Distances of up to 300m+ can be achieved using our drilling rigs with diameters of pipe up to 900mm installed depending on requirements and ground conditions.

Once the pilot bore is completed, the reaming and pipe installation will take place.

The drill head is tracked from above ground using a locating system with the drilling and tracking engineers working closely together to ensure all installations are completed in the safest manner.

We Install Services Under

  • Roads
  • Railway
  • Watercourses
  • Runways and taxiways
  • Existing structures
  • Environmentally sensitive areas
Directional Drilling Service
Start your directional drilling project now